Apex Legends Mobile upcoming character leaked


Apex Legends Mobile may get Loba as new character in the next season.

  • Apex Legends Mobile is expected to get Loba from the PC and console versions of the game.
  • Loba was first introduced to Apex Legends in Season 5.
  • Loba could be added in the next season of Apex Legends Mobile.

Apex Legends Mobile launched with 10 Legends including a mobile-exclusive Legend called Fade. The game hasn’t ported all the characters from the PC and console versions of Apex Legends yet, suggesting they may be added to the game soon. Apex Legends Mobile Leaks Twitter account has uncovered who could be Apex Legends Mobile’s upcoming character. According to the leak, the next Apex Legends Mobile character will not be a brand-new character, but an existing Legend from Apex Legends.

The new leak suggests that Loba is the upcoming Apex Legends Mobile character. The leaker has found emotes and cosmetics with references to Loba in the game. Loba was added to Apex Legends back in 2019.

Loba is a support character who is really useful in finding high-tier loot. Her passive ability, Eye for Quality, lets her see epic and legendary loot through walls. Loba’s tactical ability, Burglar’s Best Friend, allows her to teleport around the map using her Jump Drive bracelet. Finally, her ultimate ability, Black Market Boutique, lets her place a portable device that brings nearby loot, and each ally or enemy can pick up to two items.

Having Loba on your squad can give you a major tactical advantage as you can quickly gather legendary and epic weapons as well as shields. It remains to be seen what kind of perks Loba will get as part of the exclusive perk system in Apex Legends Mobile.

The same Twitter account has also leaked five upcoming mobile-exclusive characters for Apex Legends Mobile, which include Seeker, Botanist, Ampere, Spider, and Monkey King. Not much is known about these characters or their abilities yet. Since Respawn or EA haven’t confirmed these details yet, the names of these Legends should be taken with a grain of salt.

Apex Legends Mobile has become one of the most popular games out there at launch. According to reports, Apex Legends Mobile became the most downloaded iOS game in 60 countries including India, Germany, the US, Japan, and others. The game’s developer Respawn has probably planned a ton of new content including maps, game modes, Legends, cosmetics, and events, which will be added in the coming months.